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Five league Transfer Overview





Five league Transfer Overview

SAN FRANCISCO, September 1 September 1 morning, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga, Ligue summer transfer window has closed, although the Premier League summer window buy fifa 16 coins has not closed, but 80 million euros to sign into the standard of the king Manchester City still become summer signings window into the biggest club, Atletico Madrid, the Primera Liga club Valencia two the second and third place respectively, Serie A giants Juventus is ranked No. 4. (Deadline official declared at a glance: Wolfsburg 36 million repurchase Inter triple check)

Premier League: Manchester City triumph in the whole of Europe

Defending champion Chelsea is not crazy signings, but only 51.87 million pounds to sign investment into Pedro, Baba, Begovic other new aid, and leased the Colombian striker Falcao, Cech switch to Arsenal (data) Cuadrado is joining Juventus on loan. Manchester City Zeyi 143 million investment to become the largest pan-European investment club signings, within to 52.5 million pounds (plus an additional clause, the total amount reached 80 million euros) this summer marked the king, Sterling also 43750000 pounds transfer fee ranked No. 3. In addition, Manchester City also signed into Otamendi, Delphi, Roberts and other reinforcements, Dzeko, Dana Jersey, Tower. Federer then leave.

Manchester United cost �� 62,650,000 checked in Pres, Damian, Schweinsteiger, Shinaidelin, Romero and other reinforcements, Mary, Robin van Persie, Rafael, Cleverley is leaving the team ??? Real Madrid regarding Degea stranded at the last moment, the rumors is that both sides of the transfer file transfer when the transfer deadline because the league. (Mutual tear! Degea failure or need temporary move to Real Madrid UEFA ruling)

Arsenal only 9.8 million pounds to sign into the Czech goalkeeper Petr Cech, Wally Disney lease leave, Diaby also a free transfer to Marseille. But Wenger intends to force the last moment, he had to travel to France to negotiate Cavani's transfer.

Liverpool cost �� 78,340,000 checked in this Turk, Phil Mino, Klein, Gomez, and other new aid Milner, Gerrard, Balotelli, Glen - Johnson is leaving the team.

Real Madrid this summer introduced the Cova Zupan?i?

Barcelona by transfer ban affected, Real Madrid have not resorted to the rare superstar policy, let Atletico Madrid to 97.65 million pounds investment in accidents become the largest investment teams in La Liga signings. Moreover, Atletico Madrid, Valencia put two in Europe were ranked the second and third place behind Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain over, Juventus, Manchester United and other top giants, Real Madrid places 62,650,000 �� 8 investment ranking. 2015 summer window, La Liga the team has invested 270 million pounds signings, sell players are 396 million revenue, profit 125.6 million pounds.

Affected by the transfer ban, Barca only checked in Alda - Tulane, vidal two new aid, but the two will not play in the last half of the per capita, leave Xavi, Pedro's strength is weakened Barca ??? (Barcelona Transfers rating: two signed two reinforcements leave God became spectators)

Real Madrid signed into Heikki Zupan?i?, Danilo, Casilla, Casemiro other new aid, and checked in Vallejo, Vazquez et nova, Khedira, Iker Casillas, Ilya Di sliding door, Cohen Bertrand, Lucas - Silva is leaving the team. (Real Madrid Transfers rating: No big signings Topstar rational utility-oriented)

Atletico then checked in Savage, Jackson - Martinez, Bi Aituo, Carrasco, Felipe and other new aid, Man Zhu Keech, Miranda, Arda - Tulane - Mario Soares, labor Seoul - Garcia is leaving the team. (Atletico Transfers rating: Kuangshao 140,000,000 1 hidden risks significantly shake)

Valencia is bought out last season on loan to join Rodrigo, Negredo, Andrea - Gomez, has signed a new aid into such Abdul Noor, played well last season Horta door Di then switch to Manchester City. Sevilla leased the former Serie A Golden Boot Yinmobilai, and free check-up before Llorente and Athletic Bilbao center Ukrainian winger Kenuo Pu Yang card. Check in Zhang Chengdong because China has attracted fans of Rayo Vallecano on loan, free way to introduce the eight players checked, the last time also checked in Glasgow.

Serie A: Juventus Milan clubs PK

Juve this summer, severe blood loss

Completed four consecutive Serie A last season, among the Champions League final against Juventus in the summer lineup for a replacement, costing �� 89,880,000 Bianconeri signings, ranked four in the whole of Europe, in Serie A is topped. Completion of the equity transfer of Milan to 63.68 million pounds fifa 16 coins for sale of investment among the Serie A 2, Inter Milan places �� 62,060,000 learn more ranked third. Serie A team has invested 343 million pounds this summer signings, sell players are income 399 million pounds, 55.8 million pounds profit.

Juve this summer, severe blood loss, Pirlo, Carlos Tevez, Vidal three key players leaving the team, Llorente, Coleman, Storari, Ao Bangna and other players leaving the team. In order to compensate for the loss, the Bianconeri signed into Di Bala, Man Zhu Keech, Alex - Sandro, Zaza, Cuadrado, Neto, Hernanes and other reinforcements. (Juventus Transfers rating: Three core leaving the team to sign 10 zebra Hao Jiang Yuan)

Although only invested �� 27.55 million signings, but Rome was very productive this summer, signed into Salah, dominant, Digne, Yago - Falk and other reinforcements, Romagnoli, Bertone Rudge, Mercedes Castro, Mu Biwa, Ljajic is leaving the team.

Inter Milan signed into Perisic, Hole Shakespeare, Murillo, Miranda, Juan Pablo Montoya and other reinforcements, and even before the end of the summer window buzzer sign Ljajic, Merlot and Teles, Heikki Zupan?i?, Sacchi switch to Real Madrid respectively, Stoke. (Milan clubs transfer Comment: burning 180 million strong military buildup Inter Milan)

AC Milan signings of greater intensity, checked in Baca, Louis - Adriano, Romagnoli, Bertone Rudge, Balotelli, Ellis and other reinforcements, Shala Wei, Thabo Narayan Lamy, Pacini, Paletta then leave. Florence checked in - Mario Soares, Kalinic, Astori and other new aid.


Bayern introduce Vidal is their biggest signings this summer

Bayern Munich Bundesliga Banba to 60.2 million pounds of investment is still ranked Bundesliga, but in the whole Europe only ranked 11, Leverkusen, Wolfsburg Bundesliga ranked 2nd and 3rd place, respectively, it is worth mentioning that , at a higher price within after profit 28,770,000 pounds window. Bundesliga the team signings invested a total of 335 million pounds, 285 million pounds selling players income, net investment reached 49.63 million pounds. (Bundesliga summer window Summary: transfer record twice broke the standard king Vidal)

Bayern Munich signed into Vidal, Douglas - Costa, Kingsley - Coleman and other reinforcements, Schweinsteiger, Dante, Reina, Hoy other Seoul, Pizarro (C- Pizarro D- Pizarro) then leave. (Bayern summer window Summary: 6 years, only one person the best value back 80 million)

Wolfsburg last season ranked second in lost within , Perisic two absolute main, but also check in the Kruse, Dante, Draxler and other reinforcements. Bayer Leverkusen in the Champions League race among the harvest is not small, the sign, Kanpur, Mehmet Mehdi, Papadopoulos and other reinforcements, but at the last moment to 12 million euros to sign the Manchester United striker Hernandez.


Mary joined the Greater Paris is the biggest signings this season, French mine

Paris, Monaco is still the two biggest signings into French club, Paris invested 81.27 million pounds this summer signings, ranked No. 5 in the whole of Europe, Monaco �� 59.01 million investment places ranked 12 in the whole of Europe. In addition to the two outside French investment club is ranked highest in the whole of Europe the first 30 of Lyon, which invested only 23.1 million pounds. French windows each team has invested 241 million summer signings, sell players you gain �� 154 million net investment reached 30.02 million pounds.

Ligue most heavy signings this summer is no doubt that 44.1 million pounds to join Paris Dimaliya, in this summer window, Argentina winger's transfer fee after the king internal standard. In addition to Mary, Paris also signed into Kool Ayman al, Hauriet, other new aid, Cabaye, Digne, then leave. Monaco signed into Coentrao, Shala Wei, Fabiniao other new aid, Hole Shakespeare, Ayman al-Kul, Carrasco then leave. Last season ranked second in Lyon also had a productive session, signed into yanga - Mu Biwa, Raphael, Val Buena other new aid. Marseille check in the new aid Ocampos, Lei Jike, Diaby, etc., and leased Lucas from Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Juventus and other powerhouse - Silva, Mangala, Isla, De Ceglie, etc. players.




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